chelsea hagen


Chelsea Hagen is co-founder with Daniel Hagen of Fire Church Ministries. Chelsea is currently a Senior Minister of Fire Church on the Sunshine Coast in Australia. She is a prophetic Voice for her Nation and abroad. Her prophetic Ministry has been recognised and endorsed by the Australian Prophetic Counsel.

Chelsea was born again in 2004 previously living life as an atheist crippled by intense fear and alcoholism. But now she stands as a bold radical revivalist who believes in the power of God to work miracles! Chelsea is a seasoned church planter and fervent intercessor. Chelsea’s heart desires is to help anyone and everyone to personally know Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour. And to teach people how to hear and obey God’s voice and to walk out their full spiritual destiny.

Chelsea is available for prophetic ministry. If you are interested in having Chelsea visit your church or speak at your conference or school, then please fill out the booking form.